Dental Sealants in Lincoln Park MI

Dental Sealants in Lincoln Park MI

Ensuring your child's dental health is as important as ensuring their overall well-being. One effective preventive measure to protect their teeth is dental sealants.

Dental sealants are a preventive treatment designed to protect children's teeth from cavities and decay. These sealants are thin, plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, specifically the molars and premolars, where grooves and pits tend to trap food particles and bacteria.

The application process is quick, painless, and noninvasive: a dentist cleans and dries the teeth, applies an acidic solution to roughen the surface for better adhesion, rinses and dries the teeth again, and then paints the sealant onto the enamel, where it hardens with a special curing light.

By creating a smooth, protective barrier, dental sealants in Lincoln Park, MI significantly reduce the risk of cavities, making them an effective measure for maintaining children's oral health. 

The Application Process 

Cleaning and Preparation 

The first step in applying dental sealants is to clean the teeth thoroughly. This involves removing any food particles, plaque, or tartar from the surfaces of the molars and premolars. The dentist in Lincoln Park, MIuses a professional cleaning tool, such as an ultrasonic scaler or a hand-held instrument, to scrub away any debris. This cleaning is crucial because it ensures that the surface of the teeth is free of contaminants that could interfere with the sealant's adhesion. After cleaning, the teeth are rinsed and dried to create a clean, dry surface ready for the next steps. 

Etching the Tooth Surface 

To help the sealant adhere properly, our dentist applies an acidic solution to the surface of the teeth. This solution, often containing phosphoric acid, is carefully brushed onto the chewing surfaces of the teeth, especially the pits and grooves. The acid creates a rough texture on the enamel by etching it, enhancing the sealant's bonding. The etching process only takes about 20 to 30 seconds. Once the etching is complete, the teeth are rinsed thoroughly to remove the acidic solution, and they are dried thoroughly to ensure no moisture interferes with the sealant application. 

Applying the Sealant 

With the teeth clean and adequately prepared, the next step is to apply the dental sealant. The sealant material, typically a liquid resin, is carefully painted onto the chewing surfaces of the teeth. The dentist uses a small brush or applicator to ensure the sealant flows into all the grooves and pits of the teeth, covering the entire surface evenly. The goal is to fill in all the tiny crevices to create a smooth, protective barrier that prevents food particles and bacteria from getting trapped. 

Curing the Sealant 

After applying the sealant, it needs to be hardened to form a durable protective layer. This is achieved using a special curing light, a blue light that activates the chemical components in the sealant. The light is directed at the sealant for a few seconds, allowing it to set and harden. This curing process ensures that the sealant bonds securely to the tooth enamel, providing a long-lasting protective coating. The hardening process is quick and typically takes less than a minute for each tooth.

Final Check and Adjustments 

Once the sealant has cured, the dentist performs a final check to ensure it is appropriately applied and does not interfere with the child's bite. The dentist may ask the child to bite down gently to check for high spots or uneven areas. Minor adjustments are made to smooth out the sealant and ensure a comfortable bite if necessary. The dentist will also examine the sealant to confirm that it covers all the essential areas and has fully bonded to the teeth. 

Patient Instructions and Follow-up 

After completing the application, the dentist will provide instructions on caring for the newly sealed teeth. Good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, ensure the sealants remain effective. Regular dental checkups will be scheduled to monitor the condition of the sealants and make any necessary adjustments or reapplications. Contact us today to learn more.

Advantages of Dental Sealants 

  • Sealants provide a protective barrier against plaque and bacteria, significantly reducing the risk of cavities in the chewing surfaces of back teeth, where decay is most likely to occur. 
  • Sealants are durable and can last several years before needing replacement, providing long-term protection with minimal maintenance. 
  • Sealant application is quick, painless, and noninvasive, requiring no drilling or anesthesia, which makes it comfortable for children. 
  • Sealants are a cost-effective preventive measure compared to the expense of treating cavities and more extensive dental procedures. 
  • Sealants contribute to better overall oral health by preventing cavities and reducing the need for fillings. They can also reduce future dental visits and treatments. 
  • Sealants make it easier for children to maintain good oral hygiene by smoothing out the grooves and pits in the back teeth, making brushing and flossing more effective. 
  • Applying sealants as soon as the permanent molars and premolars emerge can protect teeth before cavities have a chance to develop, leading to better long-term dental health. 
  • By preventing cavities, sealants help reduce the risk of more serious dental issues such as infections, abscesses, and the need for root canals. 

Dental sealants in Lincoln Park, MI are a valuable tool in the fight against tooth decay, providing a protective barrier that helps keep your child's teeth healthy and cavity-free. Visit Kids First Pediatric Dentistry PC at 3778 Dix Hwy, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, or call (313) 386-0570 to determine if sealants are the right choice for your child and to ensure they receive the best possible care for their developing teeth.

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Lincoln Park, MI

3778 Dix Highway, Lincoln Park, MI 48146


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  • TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRIClosed
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(313) 386-0570